Jason Klundt
2 min readDec 14, 2020


**Originally written on 12/2/20

Dear fellow travelers,

“If the wind will not serve… take to the oars.” This Latin proverb I’ve recently come across resonates within me. It motivates me to not give up and to press on. I feel as though reading these words at this time in my life is exactly what I need to hear.

I have been thinking about starting a blog for some time now. Putting to “paper” the thoughts and emotions that run through my mind at various times. This journey that I am on is a rollercoaster of emotions. The ups and downs are unbearable at times. The proverb that inspired me to write this blog instills the idea to not give up. If the wind stops moving your vessel, then get to rowing!

**Interjection** Speaking of ups and downs, from the time I began writing this (on 12/2/20) I received a rejection letter from a company I really, really wanted to work for. A company that gives back to the community and has a mission of charity and goodness. Aside from just filling out an application, I reached out… wrote letters and mailed them (the old-fashioned way) reached out on LinkedIn, and basically begged and pleaded with them to give me a shot… but alas, I do not have the experience necessary to design their products. I feel demoralized and hopeless. But I will not give up, I will pull out my oars, put them in the water, and begin to row. I will move forward and persevere. Will I ever get a shot? Will someone take a chance on me? I don’t know, but I am hoping that someone will. And soon. So back to my awesome intro…

The stormy gales toss me about quite furiously at times. I can’t be the only one. So to the notepad I go, jotting down some random thoughts for someone to read. So I share with you my thoughts and fears as well as my joys (as few as there are) and the many frustrations and setbacks in this place in life that I find myself in… as a job seeker. I hate that term. I don’t know why, but it irritates me. So off I go now to pen my first post. I hope you enjoy my musings. If you feel inclined, drop me a line. I’d love to hear from you.

Be well, my fellow traveler. May your journey be swift and full of kindness and peace.

Take to the oars my friend, and press on toward the goal.


Jason Klundt
Job Hunter

Speaking of clocks…

Have you ever tried to eat a clock?

It’s very time-consuming!

Especially when you go back for seconds


